Huwebes, Agosto 1, 2013

Traditional mathematics

Traditional mathematics (sometimes classical math education) was the predominant method 
of mathematics education in the United States in the early-to-mid 20th century. This contrasts with
 non-traditional approaches to math education.Traditional mathematics education has been challenged
 by several reform movements over the last several decades, notably new math, a now largely
 abandoned and discredited set of alternative methods, and most recently reform mathematics
 (i.e. Standards-based mathematics) based on NCTM standards, which is federally supported and
 has been widely adopted, but subject to ongoing criticism

Traditional method

The topics and methods of traditional mathematics are well documented in books 

and open source articles of many nations and languages. Major topics covered include:

In general, traditional methods are based on direct instruction where students are shown
 one standard method of performing a task such as decimal addition, in a standard sequence. A task
 is taught in isolation rather than as only a part of a more complex project. By contrast, reform books 
may omit or even discourage standard methods of division or fractions. The formula for the
 area of a circle, for example, may be left as a discovery exercise rather than printing the formula anywhere
 in the student text where it could be quickly referenced. A page on adding fractions would ask "devise 
a method of adding that applies to these examples" rather than actually giving instructions
 to convert to a common denominator and then add the numerators. A traditional sequence early in the
 20th century would leave topics such as algebra or geometry for high school, and statistics until college,
 but newer standards require coverage of such concepts in the elementary grades. In the 21st century basic 
geometric concepts and "algebraic thinking" (number patterns) are taught every year in the United States 
beginning in kindergarten; children are taught statistical concepts of organizing data as early as first grade.
 More sophisticated concepts such as algebraic expressions with numbers and letters, geometric surface 
area and statistical means and medians occur in sixth grade in the newest standards.

Criticism of traditional math[edit]

Criticism of traditional mathematics instruction originates with advocates of alternative methods of instruction,
 such as Reform mathematics. These critics cite studies, such as The Harmful Effects of Algorithms in Grades
 1–4, which found specific instances where traditional math instruction was less effective than alternative methods
. Advocates of alternative methods argue that traditional methods of instruction over-emphasize memorization and
 repetition, and fail to promote conceptual understanding or to present math
 as creative or exploratory. Critics also cite the fact that history of mathematics often focuses on European 
advancements and methods developed by men, thus ignoring equity issues and potentially alienating minorities
 and women.
Beyond just misplaced emphasis, critics contend that traditional mathematics instruction is ineffective, 
implying that a reformed math curriculum might be more effective. Critics note that only a small percentage of 
students achieve the highest levels of mathematics achievement such as calculus. Some argue that too few 
students master even algebra.
The general consensus of large-scale studies that compare traditional mathematics with reform mathematics 
is that students in both curricula learn basic skills to about the same level as measured by traditional 
standardized tests, but the reform mathematics students do better on tasks requiring conceptual
 understanding and problem solving.
The use of calculators became common in United States math instruction in the 1980s and 1990s. Critics 
have argued that calculator work, when not accompanied by a strong emphasis on the importance of showing 
work, allows students to get the answers to many problems without understanding the math involved. However,
 others such as Conrad Wolfram argue for a more radical use of computer-based math in a complete 
departure from traditional math.
Mathematics educators, such as Alan Schoenfeld, question whether traditional mathematics actually teach
 mathematics as understood by professional mathematicians and other experts. Instead, Schoenfeld implies, 
students come to perceive mathematics as a list of disconnected rules that must be memorized and 
parroted. Indeed, research suggests that certain approaches to traditional mathematics instruction
 impresses upon students an image of mathematics as closed to imagination and discovery, an image
 in clear opposition to how experts view the field.

Traditional mathematics texts[edit]

In general, math textbooks which focus on instruction in standard arithmetic methods can be categorized as a traditional math textbook. Reform math textbooks will often focus on conceptual understanding, usually avoiding immediate instruction of the standard algorithms and frequently promoting student exploration and discovery of the relevant mathematics. The following current texts are often cited as good for those wishing for a traditional approach, often also favored by homeschoolers.

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